Information Systems

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Information Systems development deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of effectively managing and developing information based computer technology so that organizations gain benefits from investments in computing.

Key Benefits

Improving existing business practices
Providing objective overview of system development
Improving use of resources


Analysis of Organizational needs and System Requirements
Through identification of the organizational structure and where the proposed system will fit into obtained during a series of Joint Aided Design sessions with the client company. The feasibility of the proposed system or systems and the requirements they need to fulfill in the organization can be obtained for further design and development.
Logical and Physical Design
The use of fundamental design strategies are used to make use of the system requirements as they were obtained at the client level. These requirements are used to create a logical and physical design to be used in the developmental stages of the system.
Implementation and Maintenance
After the development of the system is completed there needs to be implementation strategies used for a fluid motion of adding the system and the changing of the existing practices to incorporate it. Strategies are developed for not only the implementation to allow for it's inclusion to the clients resources, but also to allow for the system to be properly maintained by providing sufficient documentation to allow for the system to be maintained.




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Last modified: July 21, 1999