Software Development

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Software Development covering the more practical aspects of the specification, design, implementation, management and assessment of software systems. The key principles of Software Engineering are covered, with an emphasis on software quality issues, the use of standards, effective management techniques for software development, and industry best practice per current understanding and thought.

Key Benefits

Formal approach to system design and development
Quality assurance


Requirements and Specification
With focus on the implementation of the design documentation the specifications taking at a logical or where available physical level are taken further to allow for our designers to start taking a focus on the needs of the system in regards to it's development.
Software Design
Using a range of software design and development strategies from prototyping to to a object orientated approach. The system is broken down to allow for a modular approach to design. With each piece and interlocking component of the overall system of the approach which is best suited to the needs of the systems development and the requirements of the system by the client.
Verification and Validation
Maintaining the utmost regard for quality the system is subject the verification and validation in all stages of it's development and design. With each stage's verification and validation becoming the stepping stone that must be used for the next stage of design and development to be reached.




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Last modified: July 21, 1999